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Thursday, September 10, 2009

ETJ Expos in September and November, 2009

Dear ETJ-Tokyo members,

The 2009 Tokyo Expo and Bookfair will be held on Saturday 31st September and
Sunday 1st November at Toyo Gakuen University in Suidobashi (the same venue as
last year). This is a great opportunity to present and give workshops.

If you would like to give a 45-minute, non-commercial presentation/workshop on a
topic relevant to English Language Teaching, please submit your abstract by 10th
September to Colin Skeates (colin.skeates@...).

Please provide the following information:
1. Name(s) of presenter(s)
2. You affiliation (e.g. school or company name)
3. E-mail address
4. Presentation title, including area of focus (e.g. Teaching phonics to young
learners using music)
5. Presentation abstract/outline (max 50 words)
6. Biographical data (max 30 words)
7. Type of teachers for which the presentation is relevant (e.g. university
8. The language the presentation will be given in (e.g. English and Japanese)
9. Equipment requests (the rooms have a PC, LCD projector, OHP, CD/DVD player)
10. Date/times that you are not available to give your presentation (please be
11. The location of your nearest Expo (Expos will be held in Nagoya, Hiroshima,
Sendai, Tokyo, Kansai, and Kyushu.)

Applications for commercial presentations should be submitted to David Paul at:

Please note:
1. If you have a connection with a publisher, or you wish to promote some
material for monetary gain, you must apply to David Paul for a 'sponsored'
2. If the Tokyo Expo/Bookfair is not your nearest EXPO, you must tell us so that
we can apply for you to be listed as a 'guest' presenter. Last year, we were
allowed guest presenters.

We are eagerly looking forward to receiving your proposals. All abstracts will
be blind, peer-reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers, as in previous
years (i.e. the reviewers will not know who the presenter is and vice versa). We
welcome and support all submissions and, where necessary, will work with
presenters to improve the quality of abstracts to improve their chances of

Presenters will be be contacted no later than 30th September.

Best wishes and kindest regards.

Philip Shigeo Brown
ETJ-Tokyo Coordinator

You can read about the 2009 English Teachers in Japan Expos at:

You can pre-register for the 2009 English Teachers in Japan Expos at:
